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daily manifestation challenge

Daily Manifestation Challenge, Delight

What Brings You Joy? The DMC.

October 29, 2011

Today’s Daily Manifestation Challenge is all about Joy.

What brings you the most joy?

(I picked Almond Joy because my dad was obsessed with them. brings me joy to think of my dad.)

Why, you ask? Why list my joy on this here website?

Because when you think of these things you start to inhabit the feeling of that which you are thinking of. Works like a charm. Works like an Almond Joy. Works like a vacation (Almost.)

Are you doing things everyday that bring you joy? (If the answer is no, I want you to shut the computer and start. Right. Now.)

This is one of my missions in the world. To provide a space where people have more joy in their lives and truly feel that they deserve it!

So, what is it that brings you joy? As you answer, see if you can allow yourself to be in the feeling of what you are thinking about.

By now you know that Modern Family brings me joy. 

My husband brings me joy.

Often, a good glass of wine brings me joy. Especially when I come home and my husband has a candle lit and said glass of wine sitting next to it for me. Especially then.

Belly laughing and smirks, sleeping in my own bed and also in fancy hotel beds, these bring me joy.

Seeing how far my sister has come brings me great joy.

Music brings me joy.

When my yoga classes sing out loud, JOY!

When they dance… even more joy.

The blog 365 to 30. Joy joy joy!

People sharing with me what they are manifesting into their lives and the comments people leave here fill me with joy.

My friends successes bring me joy!

How when I go to the bank or Whole Foods near my house or other places I frequent, people know my name and I know theirs. It’s like Cheers. But better. I love connecting. It brings me joy!

Leading Manifestation Yoga® Workshops and Retreats! So. Much. Joy. Can’t. Handle. The . Joy.

All things Italy bring me immense joy and pleasure.

I also ask you this: What are you doing to bring others joy? To spread joy in the world?

I am going to add a poem i wrote last month because the last lines refer to joy. Read them carefully.

How to Make a Life

how to31 Manifestation Yoga | How To Make A Life

First: Take everything you’ve ever learned and everything

You’ve yet to discover and place it in a box labeled Thank You.

Second: Take a picture of your face and remember

That in ten years time you will be amazed at how gorgeous you were.

Be amazed now.

Third: Find someplace to live.

Make sure it has the ability to let light fall

Across the room in such a way that every so often,

You’ll stop and mouth the words “Ah, sunlight.”

Before you finish dusting the books.

Don’t let the books get dusty.

Open them and reread your favorite sentences

Or give the books away.

Fourth: Fall in love.

Touch. More than you think.

Have a child if you want one.

If you don’t, don’t.

Let your child out into the world

Discovering for themselves just how magical

It is. Or it isn’t.

It’s theirs to decide.

Give your child a lot of books.

Fifth: Get a job.

Remember this job is not who you are.

You get to open the silk door of You,

And decide, over and over, as many times as your socks,

Just who you are.

Your job will feed you and your children if you have them.

If you forget this step,

You will be reminded of it if you ever lose your job.

No, my job cannot be who I am

because here I am still standing in line at the post office

tapping my feet,

and yet I have no job but still, I am.

I am.

Sixth: Do yoga.

Let your body discover what it’s like to move

without your brain holding it’s hand.

Tell your brain to take a hike.

Let your body believe fully in it’s own powers.

Let every person you’ve stored inside your muscles out every so often,

to breathe.

Lastly: Do things that make you feel good.

Let your joy be contagious and spread through

Your home, your job, your children.

Let it spread through the world

Like a virus so that when you forget it,

Every so often, you’ll catch it from someone else.


Now go Jump for Joy! But first, make a list below.

Contests & Giveaways, Daily Manifestation Challenge, Inspiration

Your 3 Words. The Daily Manifestation Challenge.

October 27, 2011

Today’s DMC is a fun one.

What are the 3 words that inspire you most today?

I challenge you to keep these words with you all day and fill yourself up with them.

In the comment section below list your 3 words. You must list it in the comment section below to be added into the contest to win a spot at the “Manifesting Your Top 1% Workshop” with author Alissa Finerman and myself November 19th.

(I loooooove contests.)

If you are so inspired, for “extra credit”, write a poem below with your 3 words included. You will not be graded, judged or tested on the poem. You will only be Loved.

I ask not that you concern yourself with if the poem is “good” or not. I am simply challenging you to envelop yourself in your words and allow yourself to be creative. You know that old adage: If only the best birds sang in the forrest, it would be an awfully quiet place? (Or something like that.)

My 3 words of the day are: compassion, inspiration, creativity.


Notice how every cell in your body becomes infused with these words and how doors start to open where once there were just walls. Eat your words! Breathe your words! Live your words. Your words become your world.

Or something like that.

What are your 3 words to live by today?


Daily Manifestation Challenge

Daily Manifestation Challenge: Weekend Edition. FEAR.

October 22, 2011

“First you jump off the cliff and build your wings on the way down.”                                                                ― Ray Bradbury


We all have it.

It helps us.


When you’re in a dark alley and you see a man with a long trenchcoat running towards you with a big knife and your adrenaline kicks in and causes you to fly away as if you had wings. Totally helping you.

Good fear.

For many years of my life I lived under its guardianship. Fear watched over me. Helped me make my choices. Was my voice of reason.  Helped me stay in the same job for 13 years, live in the same apartment, eat the same foods over and over again. It helped me stay in a rut. It helped me stay depressed.

Bad fear. Cape Fear.

Lately the word fear has been popping up more than usual so I though I ought to pay it a visit.

I was in a yoga class last weekend with my mentor and teacher Annie Carpenter, and she had us all in navasana (boat pose) for a verrrrrrrrrry looong time. We all started to shake. I started to get angry. Then she started talking about fear. She asked us to identify a fear that we had previously had in our lives which we had conquered. Still in boat pose.

Then it hit me like a ton of navasanas. I had conquered my fear of gaining weight.

There I said it.

Of course, it was not simply a fear of just gaining weight, but to simplify it, I’ll call it that. I was, for many years, in the throes of a bad eating disorder.

Still in boat pose, I realized I had transcended the darkest, hardest years of my life. I felt like I could stay in navasana forever with this newfound realization.

Annie was saying how fear protects us at times but when it stops us from playing and living then it no longer serves us. Or something like that.  We were still in still in boat pose at this point…and here I was lost in my own newfound revelation, so I wasn’t exactly getting everything word for word.


I became severely anorexic when I was 17 years old after a doctor told me that if I wanted my breasts smaller, (they caused me a lot of unwanted attention and discomfort back then) I should just lose five pounds. (If I could go back in time and shake him uncontrollably for saying that, I would. Although I know it really wasn’t his fault. Even if it was a crappy thing to tell a teenage girl.) That was the exact moment I went home and made a list of all the foods I would and would not eat. Up until that point I had never exercised and I ate cheese steaks and TastyCakes. A lot. I’m from the Philly area. It’s what we do.

I quickly lost five pounds. Then 10. then 20.

Then I kept going.

Many years of my life were lived under a blanket of fear. I exercised four hours a day.  I was terrified to gain weight because I finally felt I could control what was happening around me and inside of me through my weight.

Cliché? I know.

I had a fear that people would stop asking me “Are you ill? ”  It made me feel like I stood out. Like I was special. When someone told me I looked “healthy,” I panicked. (I know that this is hard to believe for the people who know me now, especially my students. I am so at ease with my self these days. Most days.)

Well, here I am in boat pose still in Annie’s class last Sunday at Exhale in Venice, realizing all of this. I am at ease. I have released a huge debilitating fear. Finally. For the most part.

Of course, during times of stress, the eating disorder rears its ugly head. I never worry about what truly is the matter, such as, let’s say: getting married or letting go of a waitressing job I had for 13 years or my nephew having Prader Willi Syndrome. But rather, it becomes simply “I am fat.” My brain takes the path of least resistance, what it knows best. Much as the body will do. That is the old tape it knows.

This happens rarely these days.

I have, for the most part, conquered this thing that had such a clutch on me.

So here I am in boat pose, shaking like a dog, and I realize I have conquered this fear. This is huge. Finally we come out of the pose and I get a little teary-eyed. I start to feel sad for all the years I let this fear rule my life. What was the fear truly of?

It’s so dark and ugly. I mistakenly thought my self-worth was my appearance. Now, as a teacher of yoga, with so many beautiful young girls coming to me, I recognize the same thing in them. I know them immediately. Perhaps they recognize me as well. I somehow got programmed to believe that what I looked like signified who I was. Inside.

There is nothing farther from the truth. Nowadays, I feel such a deep love for who I am inside that it never even crosses my mind to think people even notice my weight or my face. How can it be so complicated? I am not, nor was I ever, a shallow person. I know better. And yet, for 15 years I battled this idea.

I was also terribly afraid to deal with life. With feeling or loss responsibility or death. When my stepfather died, 10 years after my father had passed away, I just ran. I went out to Cooper River Park in Pennsauken, New Jersey. and ran for over two hours straight. There, all better.

Not quite. It never works that way. Even if we want it to.

The pain and the feelings are still there, we have just distracted ourselves. Maybe fear is just a big distraction?

My sister said something savvy tonight. I love my sister. She said, “Ha. An article on fear? I could write that one in my sleep.”  (She could.)

As much as she has an innumerable amount of irrational fears, she is fearless when it comes to her son Blaise, who has Prader Willi Syndrome. She says that you find the courage somehow.

I get it. I have found courage through my own yoga practice, through my teaching yoga, through the amazing man I married, through my nephew Blaise.

I still have many fears and am working through them daily. Sometimes they feel so real, as if at any moment the fear will come true and I will be homeless, my family will perish, I will be without a job, people will hate me, that I will have to go back to waitressing. I will go completely deaf. A fear of the Future. The abnormal fears. They run the gamut.

But sometimes, when I am in navasana in Annie’s class, or teaching my own class, I look up at the sky and shake my fist and say “Eff you Fear! You ain’t real!”

And anyway, as the amazing Wayne Dyer says, worrying is like saying little prayers for the things you do not want.

And of course, in a sense, it is real. But as Martin Luther King Jr said…….

Normal fear protects us; abnormal fear paralyses us. Normal fear motivates us to improve our individual and collective welfare; abnormal fear constantly poisons and distorts our inner lives.

Our problem is not to be rid of fear but, rather to harness and master it.

This Weekend’s DMC (Daily Manifestation Challenge®): In the Comment Section Below write down a fear you have and then tell it to buzz off! Extra credit: add something you are FEARLESS about. Where is Fear Running Your Show?


(This is a variation on an older post I wrote originally on Elephant Journal)

Daily Manifestation Challenge, Inspiration, poetry

Your Story.

October 21, 2011

Imagine a room.

In that room place a typewriter on a desk

and sit a chair at that desk.

Sit down on this chair and type out the words:


The click clack of keys

takes you back to before

you were who you think you have always been.

Imagine you write the words:

This is the story of an amazing life.

Scoot the chair in a little closer.

There, now you have better light.

Tuck your feet under you and continue.

Imagine a door to the room.

The door opens and someone asks you

if you have finished your story yet.

Without looking up from the typewriter:

I am starting over

you tell them.

Chapter One.

This is the story of my life.

This is the story of an amazing life.

I wrote this poem today to go in conjunction with todays Daily Manifestation Challenge® which is ” what story can you stop telling yourself that isn’t true?” ~JP 10/21/11

Daily Manifestation Challenge

Storytime! Friday’s Daily Manifestation Challenge.

October 21, 2011

Once upon a time……………

How many times a day do we make up stories in our heads, either about ourselves or the people around us or the world we live in? Even stories about our future, about events that have not even occurred yet?

I estimate that I do it at least 10 times a day. Maybe 20.

Hint: Don’t believe yourself. Listen to your story, but don’t believe it because it’s mostly fiction.

An Example:

Someone walks out of my class early and I tell myself a story that they hated me and/or my class.

Possible reason: They had a doctor appointment. They had gas. They had to pick up their child. They forgot to feed the meter. They needed to tweet. They had to go to work. They decided yoga sucks. Class was too easy/hard. They felt sick. They thought planking was a fad not a real yoga pose. They forgot to take their meds. They had a date. They were hungover or wanted to develop a hangover. They had to be on set ( ok, I live in Los Angeles.) They had to get down to the unemployment office. They had to go fire someone. They are Brad Pitt and their 6 children were calling.

Even if the “story” I make up is true, which I doubt, but even if so… so what??

Drumroll please…. It’s not personal anyway!

So today I have decided to not make up any stories in my head about what I assume.

I have decided to no longer make up stories about my future based on fear or based upon my past.

Can you stop telling stories such as: you won’t find a husband because you are 41, you are a bad writer and won’t ever finish your book, you are fat, you are broke, you are ugly, no one loves you. I can go on.

I won’t go on.

You get it.

So today, my Manifestation Challenge® is this:

Get through the day without making up something about yourself that simply is not true. What story can you stop telling today? Please share in the comments below.

It’s StoryTime Kids!

Here’s a little poem I wrote for this Challenge called “Your Story”.

(This is an edit from an earlier post which felt relevant for a Daily Manifestation Challenge.)

Daily Manifestation Challenge, How To

Live Your Life As If You Had 6 Months Left. The Daily Manifestation Challenge.

October 19, 2011

A couple weeks ago I was listening to my teacher Wayne Dyer in the car as usual (it’s either him or hip-hop. Go figure.) I was stuck on the 405 as usual, headed to Equinox Southbay.

He said we should live our lives as if we had 6 months left to live.

Whoa Nelly!

I immediately felt better in my gridlock.

Hey Traffic, you don’t bother me anymore! Screw you!

I am not trying to be Debbie Downer here or Ms. Morbid. It’s not a death sentence I am suggesting.  It’s your life sentence, your dharma. Wake up.

How would you live? What would you do? Who would you be? 

Dr. Dyer said that 6 months is a good time frame to work with because at the end of life many have said that the whole thing feels like it was 6 months or the blink of an eye.


(Don’t be scared.)

Take the challenge.

How would you live? Who would you be?

I know for me, I wouldn’t care about what other people thought.

I would be fearless.

I would finish my book.

I would tell everyone I loved how much I love them. Every day. A hundred times a day maybe. I would kiss more and never fell guilt again. I would call my grandfather again and again.

I would forgive anyone I hadn’t yet.

I would never ever beat myself up or judge myself harshly again. 

I would publish a book of my poems. Finally. ( What have I been waiting for?)

There is a whole life inside if me waiting to be lived and as I write this Daily Challenge I realize that I haven’t exactly been living this way. So I am with you, dear Manifesters.

I am taking this bull by the horns. This sucker is mine!

Game on!

This is not a suggestion that you live without consequence, but rather with intention, with love, and with passion. Do what makes you thrive, what inspires you, what makes you come alive!

One of my favorite quotes is by Eleanor Roosevelt.

I usually joke that she shared it with me over a good glass of Cab.

“Jen, You wouldn’t worry so much about what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do.”

Ain’t it the truth!

We wouldn’t give a flying hoot what anyone thought anymore.

Why we do now is still something I grapple with. We would be totally self-expressed.

So today’s daily Challenge is to live as if you had 6 months left. In the comment section below share with our readers who you would be, what you would do, how you would live. More importantly, go out and live. Enjoy every flippin’ moment and laugh more, especially at yourself.

Curse more. If you feel like it.

Don’t take sh*t anymore! ( I don’t need to curse more but I will continue on with my potty mouth as long as I please.)

This exercise can easily slip into cliche. Avoid that trap.  Stop what you are doing right now. Think truthfully about the answer/s.

Maybe you wouldn’t do damn thing differently. If this is the case, can we please go out for a glass of wine tomorrow night?

You know where to find me. I want to surround myself by people who are living this way.




My friend Kate has a blog that I love called 365 to 30 where she does everything she has ever dreamed of or talked about doing in her 29th year. 365 days to 30. I highly recommend checking it out.

Daily Manifestation Challenge, Gratitude, Self Image

What Do You Love About Yourself? Daily Manifestation Challenge

October 16, 2011

Today’s Challenge is a Love Note.

To Yourself.

When I teach kids, special needs or not, and I ask them the question What do you love about yourself? it’s easy for them to answer. It’s like saying yes to cake or staying up late. A no brainer. They have a long list even.

It’s especially inspiring to me to watch the kids with special needs answer this. One of my girls, who is autistic and blind, answered ” my life!” when I asked her what she loved about herself.

She loves her life even though she can’t see a damn thing!

I know a few people I would like to have her hang out with. I would hire her as their teacher and have her show them what self-love and gratitude looks like, in the dark, with no mirrors or television.

I ask my adult students What do you love about yourself?

Dead silence.



What the hell did she just say? 

Or they pretend I was not talking to them.

Yes you. I am talking to you.

I am not suggesting that you to be conceited or arrogant or think yourself better than anyone else. Quite the contrary. Do you have any idea how inspiring and contagious and humbling it is to be around someone filled with self-love? They never come across as “cocky”.

There is an inherent difference between being arrogant and truly loving yourself. Just think of this: The guy you went out with and maybe even slept with who didn’t call you ever again after he said he would; he’s most likely arrogant. The person who looks at the reflection of themselves in the window instead of looking at you as you speak is arrogant and, frankly, kind of rude.

That’s not self-love we are talking about. These aren’t the people we look to and think Wow, I’d love to live my life like that. I aspire to be that way. The love they have for themselves is overflowing and now I love myself even more! 

I went and saw my mentor Wayne Dyer speak in Pasadena Friday night as his daughter Skye’s guest. She sings at his events. It was a dream come true for me and something I have manifested into my life. He spoke of the the God within each of us. One of the most profound things he talked about was the fact that the only place in the Bible where God is named is the Old Testament. And God’s name is….. I AM.

I am.


God is in every single one of us then? 


This is not blasphemy. It is finding the part of you that is birthless, deathless and never changing. Call it God, call it what you like, call it “I” even. It is the “I am” in you. In plainspeak, it is the most YOU part of you.

People are often scared to love themselves. I know, I get it. I didn’t love myself for a very long time and even went to great lengths to abuse myself, emotionally and physically.

It’s as if we have been raised by a pack of wolves and told never to love ourselves, at least not openly, or other wolves will eat us.

With children there is no stigma. I taught the kids at the Prader Willi Research Conference of Saturday and we sat in a circle and I asked ” What do you love about yourself?” There was a fight over who would answer first. They all wanted to tell me.


Can you imagine adults being this way? Authentically? Why not? What are we so afraid of? What the tribe will think? The wolves will get us? We’ll sound stupid?


Some may not even be able to think of one thing they love about themselves. It takes practice and a willingness to see the parts of you that at first may not seem like the “best” parts. My hearing loss for instance. It used to make me despise myself but now I feel as if it has made me more compassionate and a healer.

One of the boys this weekend told me he loved his artwork. One said he loved his life. One loved her smile and her belly.

I am still waiting for the day where I say ” I love my belly.”

One of the boys had this tshirt on:

What makes you uniquely you and not Joe the Plumber or your mom or the person texting in the car next to you?

Today’s Daily Challenge is to make a list. You don’t have to check it twice. You just gotta live it! Each day write down at least one thing you love about yourself. No crossing it off, just adding on. For the rest of your life.

In the comment section below, if you feel brave enough and inspired, leave your “Love Note” as it were.

I love my injuries because they have allowed me to be a better yoga teacher.

I love my heart and it’s capacity to love.

I love my hearing loss because my other senses, such as my touch, are that much stronger.

I know it will get hard at times. It gets hard when you are out of work or in a bad mood or feel like you have gained weight or hurt someone or they have hurt you or you have gotten sick. I know it’s hard. Trust me, there are days when I yell and cry and scream “Fu*k you Ears!”

I curse. Get over it.

I am still spiritual but I do curse and drink wine and coffee. And I love that about me, Damnit!


I Am that I Am:

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I Am that I Am (Hebrew: אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה‎, pronounced Ehyeh asher ehyeh [ʔehˈje ʔaˈʃer ʔehˈje]) is a common English translation (JPS among others) of the response God used in the Hebrew Bible when Moses asked for His name (Exodus 3:14). It is one of the most famous verses in the Torah. Hayah means “existed” or “was” in Hebrew; “ehyeh” is the first person singular imperfect form and is usually translated in English Bibles as “I will be” (or “I shall be”), for example, at Exodus 3:12. Ehyeh asher ehyeh is generally interpreted to mean I am that I am, though it can also be translated as “I-shall-be that I-shall-be.”[1

Daily Manifestation Challenge, How To

Daily Manifestation Challenge: Don’t Let One Bad Day Make You Feel Like You Have a Bad Life.

October 11, 2011

Another piece of awesomeness from Karen Salmansohn at

We’ve all had a bad day. I have had one or two. Hundred.

They suck. They make you feel like butting your head against a door and shaking your fist at the sky asking  Why me? Why does my life suck so so badly? Why can’t I be like everyone else and have a life with no problems? 

Ha. It does seem that way, doesn’t it? When life feels really sh*tty, it seems as if everybody, heck anybody’s life is shinier and happier.


I had a bad day yesterday and I said that aloud many times during the day.

I quickly realized my blunder. It wasn’t bad. It may have not been my favorite Monday, but it wasn’t bad.

I actually try and not to say things anymore like ” bad day”, my ” bad leg” referring to my injured leg, or my “bad ear”. I think it simply colors that thing in a way with no room for growth. And growth is what I am concerned with lately. So take that crappola day and flip that sucker. What can I learn from it? Who can I be because of it? What can I take away from that day which I have labeled very bad and which indeed may have been simply a lesson for me to grow kinder or simply more awesome? Maybe it is about self- awareness or being more compassionate or giving up the need to be right? Whatever it is, a bad day doesn’t mean you have a bad life.

Get over it.

The trick, for my money, which is a lot of money, millions of dollars money, is this: Laugh.

Yea, that’s right. Laugh. Like I say in class, if you fall you MUST laugh and take down your neighbor. So recently when I was on my way to Santa Fe and had a bona-fide meltdown at the airport because they wouldn’t let me board and I got rerouted to Dallas and one “bad” thing after the other kept happening, I laughed my ass off. I called my day ” Planes, Trains and Automobiles.”

Yes, it took a few hours. Might have taken a day even, but I wrote  a blog about it and laughed.

One bad day doesn’t maketh a bad life.

Unless you say it does.

Aye, there’s the rub!

Do you declare it so? Do you decide that a bad day means you’re cursed? That every one of your days until the end of time will be bad? That you might as well throw in the towel now? Do you say: My life, from here on in, will be filled with nothing but bad bad days. And so it is.”

Well, stop!

Don’t miss the forrest for the trees. Don’t miss the opportunities for the slip-ups or break-ups. Don’t miss the wine for the glass.

Todays Daily Manifestation Challenge:

In the comments section below describe a “bad” day that you’ve had go ahead a laugh at it. If you dare. Was it an opportunity for any growth? Then write ” I have a great life!” Flip it!

You can read my “bad” day here. It’s funny and sad all at once like most “bad” days inevitably are. 

Ps, every once in a while you are entitled to have a crappy day. That’s fine. In fact, have as many as you like. Just don’t decide that it’s who you are.

You are not the Possessor Of Endless Bad Days.

"I am Not The Possessor of Endless Bad Days"